Cartoon Characters Sell Kids on Unhealthy Foods
Using likes of Shrek and Dora to market treats should be banned, researcher saysContinue Reading
Using likes of Shrek and Dora to market treats should be banned, researcher saysContinue Reading
Findings worrisome because thyroid hormones play critical role in fetal development, researchers sayContinue Reading
Staying healthy is part of being a good dad, expert suggestsContinue Reading
Reciting aloud to dogs boosts children’s literacy, studies findContinue Reading
Marketed as ellaOne in Europe, it extends window of emergency contraception, but opponents see it as abortion drugContinue Reading
Pregnant women and infants are of particular concern to thyroid expertsContinue Reading
In sub-Saharan Africa, many avoid formula due to unsanitary water, expense, experts noteContinue Reading
Fathers more assertive, moms more helpful when playing with tots, study showsContinue Reading
Here’s a list of classic symptomsContinue Reading
Pyloric stenosis renders babies unable to pass food through intestine, researchers explainContinue Reading
And physically active kids watch less television, researchers reportContinue Reading
Those inclined to speak their mind had less depression, more self-esteem, researcher foundContinue Reading
CDC study finds many deaths from prematurity, SIDS could be preventedContinue Reading
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