Cyndi Lauper, Lady Gaga Put Spotlight on Women and HIV
New poll finds most women don’t believe infection can happen to themContinue Reading
New poll finds most women don’t believe infection can happen to themContinue Reading
Catheter ablation performed more often in men with fewer complications, study findsContinue Reading
Dad’s age didn’t matter unless father was older, mom much younger, study foundContinue Reading
Monitoring fetal growth in women with these tumors advisable, study saysContinue Reading
Women can choose to wait or be induced as either choice is acceptable, study saysContinue Reading
The time just before menopause startsContinue Reading
Review suggested one scan is usually enough, but editorial begs to differContinue Reading
Younger teens who took the course were more likely to delay having sexContinue Reading
Improved survival seen when used with chemo for HER2 malignancies, researchers reportContinue Reading
Human trials will begin soon, researchers sayContinue Reading
Good for the mind and body, series of studies findsContinue Reading
Study found physical violence often accompanied by attempts to get young women pregnantContinue Reading
Babies of healthy white women now 3 ounces lighter than in 1990, study findsContinue Reading
Enhanced ultrasound and protein analysis could save lives, researcher saysContinue Reading
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