Early On, Hormone Therapy May Raise Women's Heart Risks
Study reports little coronary benefit, regardless of when treatment beginsContinue Reading
Study reports little coronary benefit, regardless of when treatment beginsContinue Reading
But family history of early cardiovascular disease a risk factor, study foundContinue Reading
Quality of life in first year’s aftermath impacted by lack of social supportContinue Reading
Risk of death, recurrence halved for those who took it, study findsContinue Reading
People who tend to have bulging blood vesselsContinue Reading
Reduced pleasure, irritation two reasons why men say they take them offContinue Reading
Those over 65 at greatest risk from thiazolidinedione use, study indicatesContinue Reading
Genetic and lifestyle differences likely play a role, researchers sayContinue Reading
They make depression after pregnancy more likelyContinue Reading
Repeat procedure rates are unchanged when scans are used, study findsContinue Reading
Birth control study found fictional presentation swayed young women more than documentaryContinue Reading
Breast cancer drug still has lifesaving qualities, expert stressesContinue Reading
Study finds less than 1% use it as preventative; experts say drug has gotten ‘bad rap’Continue Reading
Discovery of prolactin’s role could improve diagnosis and treatment, researchers sayContinue Reading
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