Awareness of COPD Growing, But More Lung Testing Urged
U.S. survey found 69% now know about chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseContinue Reading
U.S. survey found 69% now know about chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseContinue Reading
Images would include emaciated lung cancer patients and a dead body in a morgueContinue Reading
Many of those without coverage are middle-income people or chronically ill, CDC saysContinue Reading
But data insufficient to change current practice, expert saysContinue Reading
More education needed, experts
sayContinue Reading
They report more isolation, exclusion from sports compared with kids in other nations, researchers sayContinue Reading
Antioxidant deficiency tied to lower lung function, especially for menContinue Reading
Each bout of aerobic actvity revs up the immune system, study authors suggestContinue Reading
Experts doubt current flu season will pose similar threat, but urge vaccinationsContinue Reading
Acrid compounds tested in mice and humans opened airways more profoundly than current drugs, researchers reportContinue Reading
Adenovirus strain is under study but experts say there’s no immediate cause for alarmContinue Reading
This results in overuse of antibiotics and increased health care costs, researchers sayContinue Reading
Danish researchers find that low levels contribute to odds of developing severe COPDContinue Reading
Sharing data on successful medical practices helped cut complication rates, study foundContinue Reading
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