Tequila Plant May Help Fight Bone Loss
Artichokes, garlic and onions also contain beneficial fructans, researchers sayContinue Reading
Artichokes, garlic and onions also contain beneficial fructans, researchers sayContinue Reading
Funding to promote safety guidelines urged by expertsContinue Reading
Mouse study suggests treatment aimed at immune system could work in humansContinue Reading
Finding could lead to better wound care, baldness treatments, experts sayContinue Reading
The problem? Available meds ignored in favor of drugs in the pipeline, review findsContinue Reading
Doctors should do more to explain test results, researchers findContinue Reading
Meditation appears to build up cortex, MRI scans findContinue Reading
‘Patch’ for damaged heart is just one of several promising developmentsContinue Reading
But lab test results must be repeated in animals and humans, experts sayContinue Reading
In study, response rate almost 20 percent higher with depression-specific acupunctureContinue Reading
British variety gets healthy boost when baked, study findsContinue Reading
Using a new method, scientists reprogram adult cells to develop into myriad cell typesContinue Reading
Finding may further understanding of common diseases, researchers sayContinue Reading
Patients using alternative remedies more likely to misuse prescribed drugs, suffer flareupsContinue Reading
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