Discovery Boosts Boys' Prospects for Post-Cancer Fertility
Testicular cells could be preserved for later use, study suggestsContinue Reading
Testicular cells could be preserved for later use, study suggestsContinue Reading
Taking menstrual cycle into account when booking exam may cut need for repeat scans, study suggestsContinue Reading
Experts urge first screen at 21, then once every 2 years or more, not annuallyContinue Reading
Health plans say routine screening is an individual decisionContinue Reading
Meanwhile, three doctors weigh in on what women should do about the new recommendationsContinue Reading
Study finds complications no greater overall than for other womenContinue Reading
Three doctors weigh in on what women should do about the new guidelinesContinue Reading
All-female group had better success rates than traditional program, study findsContinue Reading
Cancer Society, others voice strong disapproval of federal recommendationsContinue Reading
Sexual desire improves in women taking flibanserin, expert saysContinue Reading
Designed to help blood to clotContinue Reading
Males have triple the odds than women, study finds, and black men are especially proneContinue Reading
When BRCA1 is deactivated, it can lead to hardening of the arteries, mouse study suggestsContinue Reading
Menopause also plays a role, but a lesser one than age, study findsContinue Reading
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