New Prostate Cancer Guidelines Aim to Empower the Patient
Diagnostic test not infallible, can lead to unneeded treatments with unwanted side effectsContinue Reading
Diagnostic test not infallible, can lead to unneeded treatments with unwanted side effectsContinue Reading
Food choices in years prior to illness may extend or shorten life, study findsContinue Reading
More study needed to see if IGF-1 readings can predict riskContinue Reading
Study found they fared worse than men if not given tPA within three hours of attackContinue Reading
Benefit largely for young women with early stage, ER-negative tumors, study findsContinue Reading
For medium- to high-risk women, more surgery is better, study showsContinue Reading
Rates of the condition are higher in U.S. than Canada, study findsContinue Reading
First reported case where procedure led to natural second pregnancyContinue Reading
Having both procedures annually may improve life expectancy, study findsContinue Reading
Survey finds that some states have cut breast cancer screening programsContinue Reading
Things that may spur clot formationContinue Reading
Too little testosterone can affect quality of life, researchers sayContinue Reading
Finding suggests that drops in HRT use explain the trend, researchers sayContinue Reading
Rate of new infections declined with age, study foundContinue Reading
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