Visual Processing Plays Role in Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Brain area related to behavior also affects how patients see themselves, research findsContinue Reading
Brain area related to behavior also affects how patients see themselves, research findsContinue Reading
Not just patients but doctors, too, lose interest, study findsContinue Reading
Gray matter changes may explain memory and other problems related to disorder, study suggestsContinue Reading
Those with the disorder prone to restrictive, obsessive eating habitsContinue Reading
It’s unclear which comes first, study saysContinue Reading
Patients’ odds for cardiovascular death also go up after they get the news, study findsContinue Reading
Two studies report higher levels in kids with symptomsContinue Reading
Supplements may benefit those at high risk of schizophreniaContinue Reading
14 cigarettes a day create exposure equal to inhaling nearly 3 more, study findsContinue Reading
Men who scored lowest on test also had worst outcomes, study reportsContinue Reading
Certain mutations increase the likelihood nearly fivefold, study findsContinue Reading
Patients taking Lexapro had better thinking, learning and memory skills after 12 weeks of treatment, researchers reportContinue Reading
Elementary schools better with behavioral, emotional issues, survey foundContinue Reading
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