Gene Therapy Shows Potential Against Heart Failure
Research was preliminary and the sample size small, experts noteContinue Reading
Research was preliminary and the sample size small, experts noteContinue Reading
Research found having mother, father or sibling with it increased chances 40%Continue Reading
People with this DNA twice as likely to donate to charity as those without it, researchers foundContinue Reading
If findings lead to reliable test, kidney failure might be prevented, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study found patients with acute myeloid leukemia who had the variant were more likely to die quicklyContinue Reading
Tumors in people who never smoked had more genetic abnormalities, study saysContinue Reading
High-arched feet and bunion deformity of big toe may be passed down over generationsContinue Reading
Those missing chromosome 17 sequence about 14 times more likely to develop disordersContinue Reading
Finding based on scan of genomes of 192 children with reading difficultiesContinue Reading
Scans show a ‘disconnect’ in brain areas linked to language in people with the disorder, researchers sayContinue Reading
But applications for diabetes years away, researchers sayContinue Reading
Disorder causes non-cancerous brain tumorsContinue Reading
But study found women with paternal family history 5 times less likely to be referred to counselingContinue Reading
For some patients, crizotinib shrank tumors with a particular genetic mutationContinue Reading
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