As Clocks Fall Back on Sunday, Think About Better Sleep
Time change offers chance to try to improve on slumber, experts sayContinue Reading
Time change offers chance to try to improve on slumber, experts sayContinue Reading
Advice represents a sea change in treatment, from ‘take it easy’ to ‘get moving’Continue Reading
Canadian researchers found rate was three times that reported in earlier studiesContinue Reading
More education needed, experts
sayContinue Reading
They report more isolation, exclusion from sports compared with kids in other nations, researchers sayContinue Reading
Adding computer-generated messages to program increased effectiveness, researchers foundContinue Reading
Each bout of aerobic actvity revs up the immune system, study authors suggestContinue Reading
Medical evaluation needed before athlete gets cleared to play, Academy of Neurology advisesContinue Reading
Study first to show this type of training boosted performance in cool conditionsContinue Reading
Lack of enough water, fiber and exercise may be partly to blame, researchers suggestContinue Reading
But for the collegians studied, the 40-yard dash was just as fast on natural grassContinue Reading
Substituting brown rice for white is one way to reduce harmful type of body fat, study findsContinue Reading
Compared with groups including children, adult-only sessions had equal success, researchers foundContinue Reading
Study cites good diet, exercise, moderate drinking among key factorsContinue Reading
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