Bone Drugs May Beat Back Breast Cancer
Bisphosphonates seem to prevent recurrence, researchers findContinue Reading
Bisphosphonates seem to prevent recurrence, researchers findContinue Reading
What to anticipate during recoveryContinue Reading
Outcomes same whether procedure done immediately or 3 weeks later, study showsContinue Reading
Hamstrings, quadriceps and fallen arches take the blame in new studyContinue Reading
Neck, shoulder discomfort eased, function improved after 10-week program, researchers sayContinue Reading
Like a pothole that worsens over time, so do knees’ internal injuries, study findsContinue Reading
Improved screening, awareness may help delay progression and reduce expenses, researchers sayContinue Reading
They can help build bone healthContinue Reading
Discomfort contributes to the falls that plague older adults, study findsContinue Reading
Type of flooring, greater heights increase potential for trauma, study findsContinue Reading
Sampling of senior athletes finds better density with some sportsContinue Reading
Menopause also plays a role, but a lesser one than age, study findsContinue Reading
Study in mice reports success with drugs that inhibit estrogenContinue Reading
Ignoring pain now can take you out of the game later, doctors sayContinue Reading
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