Anorexic Teens May Gain From Whole-Family Treatment
Instead of blaming parents, these experts involve them in recovery processContinue Reading
Moms' Influence on Kids' Weight Starts in Pregnancy, Study Finds
But most underestimate their own ability to help stop cycle of obesity, researchers sayContinue Reading
Video May Help Predict Which Embryos Will Survive IVF
Researchers say method could improve odds of getting pregnant with in vitro fertilizationContinue Reading
Companies Can Motivate Families to Live Healthier
Study found cash incentive drove lifestyle changes for IBM employeesContinue Reading
Absent Father Might Mean Earlier Puberty for Higher-Income Girls
Findings add to previous research, but experts still can’t explain linkContinue Reading
Lack of Sleep During Pregnancy Ups Risk of High Blood Pressure
Odds of preeclampsia increased ninefold when sleep was regularly less than five hours, study findsContinue Reading
Infant Sleep Positioners Dangerous, U.S. Health Officials Warn
12 babies in the last 13 years suffocated in them, FDA and CPSC say in public health advisoryContinue Reading
IUD Proposed to Treat Uterine Cancer
Device releases progestin hormone and helps younger women delay hysterectomy, preserve fertility, researchers sayContinue Reading
Teens' Mental Health Not Harmed by Abortion, Study Contends
A professor of human development counters that the study was too small to be reliable, howeverContinue Reading
Breast-Feeding for 6 Months May Prevent Infant Infections
The longer a baby is exclusively breast-fed, the lower the risk, research showsContinue Reading
Pediatricians Want to Restrict Ads for Tobacco, Booze, Viagra
American Academy of Pediatrics would ban cigarette advertisements altogetherContinue Reading