Matching Heart Donors by Race Unnecessary?
Death rates higher among black recipients, but ethnicity of donor made no difference, study showsContinue Reading
Death rates higher among black recipients, but ethnicity of donor made no difference, study showsContinue Reading
Suggestions include ‘presumed consent’ and priority for those who pledge to donateContinue Reading
But heart-healthy benefits of the cholesterol drugs outweigh these risks, experts sayContinue Reading
For donated blood, tissue and organsContinue Reading
Untreated, the infection can lead to liver damage, liver cancer, researcher saysContinue Reading
But only effective in less than half of cases, study findsContinue Reading
Herb appears to lead to liver failure in some, British researchers sayContinue Reading
It can predict which are most likely to be good candidates upon death, study findsContinue Reading
Researchers saw neurological function improve without serious side effectsContinue Reading
Improvised surgery saved his life, and may lead to new options to treat type 1 diabetesContinue Reading
Men who put on pounds after prostatectomy nearly double odds of recurrence, one study findsContinue Reading
Inserting new valve within the valve might help high-risk patients, researchers sayContinue Reading
Finding on failure rates could aid surgeons who import donor tissueContinue Reading
Many doctors misinterpret critical numbers, researchers sayContinue Reading
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