Meat Lovers Face Greater Risk of Bladder Cancer
Red meat, pork and bacon, when cooked at high temperatures, are worst offenders, study showsContinue Reading
Red meat, pork and bacon, when cooked at high temperatures, are worst offenders, study showsContinue Reading
U.S. panel says agency should cut levels slowly over next decade to protect public healthContinue Reading
Study links ingredient to repression of genes responsible for inflammationContinue Reading
Study finds 3 percent of those who get something lodged in their throat dieContinue Reading
Study found multivitamins, calcium tablets had protective effectContinue Reading
Fruit and salads sold in poor neighborhoods contain more bacteria, study findsContinue Reading
People with a diet rich in folate and B-6 are less likely to die from cardiovascular disease, study findsContinue Reading
Oyster-related infections up, while Salmonella plateaus, says CDC reportContinue Reading
Eating salads, nuts, tomatoes and poultry lowered the odds, researchers sayContinue Reading
Danger doesn’t affect men, who process carbohydrates more slowly, expert saysContinue Reading
Large study casts doubt on theory that antioxidant nutrients might help prevent preeclampsiaContinue Reading
Japanese guts contain seaweed-scarfing bacteria, but North American guts don’t, study findsContinue Reading
Researchers conclude that the link is weakContinue Reading
If you feel forced to eat salad now, you may raid the fridge later, study findsContinue Reading
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