Can Fatty Acids in Breast Milk or Formula Make Kids Smarter?
Studies find benefits at 14 months and about 10 yearsContinue Reading
Brains of Obese May Crave High-Calorie Foods More: Study
Finding might explain why overweight people stay that way, researchers suggestContinue Reading
Research Reveals Why Hungry People Get Cranky
Stress, hunger trigger fluctuating levels of the hormone serotonin in the brain, scans showContinue Reading
An Apple a Day Really May Keep the Doctor Away
Fruits and vegetables with white flesh associated with drop in stroke risk, study findsContinue Reading
Not Enough Kids Drink Low-Fat Milk, U.S. Study Finds
Nearly a third of children and teens report they consume whole milkContinue Reading
Bad Body Odor May Be Caused by Metabolic Disorder
But the condition can be eased by dietary changesContinue Reading
Weight Watchers Produces Bigger 'Losers' Than Standard Weight-Loss Care
Group members shed 15 pounds on average versus 7 pounds with standard diet, study findsContinue Reading
Healthy Habits Can Fend Off the 'Freshman 15'
More sleep, less stress can help college students avoid weight gain, expert saysContinue Reading
Potatoes May Be Good for the Heart After All, Study Says
But not if they’re fried or doused in high-fat sour cream, butter and cheeseContinue Reading
Americans Getting Too Many Calories From Sugary Drinks: CDC
Report shows young people, minorities are consuming the most sweetened beveragesContinue Reading
What You Eat Affects Viruses Living in the Gut: Study
Virus populations vary from person to person and can change along with diet, researchers findContinue Reading
Could Lots of Chocolate Lower Your Heart Risk?
Study seems to suggest so, but how much and what type of the sweet treat isn’t clearContinue Reading