Heart Attacks More Common in Winter
Exercise caution when shoveling, working out to avoid cardiac emergencyContinue Reading
Exercise caution when shoveling, working out to avoid cardiac emergencyContinue Reading
Creativity will help you stick to your workout routine, even in foul weatherContinue Reading
Study points to self-consciousness as biggest factor standing in people’s wayContinue Reading
Toned-down expectations may lead to more joy, less anxiety, experts sayContinue Reading
Most providers meet nutrition but not physical activity needs, study findsContinue Reading
Injections can slow retinopathy, but method has risks, researchers sayContinue Reading
Sarah Reinertsen has run marathons, competed in triathalons and appeared on The Amazing RaceContinue Reading
Study found simple activities like housework, gardening replaced tube watchingContinue Reading
Exercise benefited men whose disease had been treated, hadn’t spread, study findsContinue Reading
Studies show improved survival among men who partake regularlyContinue Reading
Report says lifestyle changes, better screening and treatment explain decreaseContinue Reading
Increasing exercise, water and fruit consumption leads to success, study findsContinue Reading
Linemen especially likely to have metabolic syndrome, study findsContinue Reading
Hamstrings, quadriceps and fallen arches take the blame in new studyContinue Reading
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