Acupuncture May Cut Hot Flashes, Boost Sex Drive in Breast Cancer Patients
But the study was small and one expert believes more research is neededContinue Reading
But the study was small and one expert believes more research is neededContinue Reading
UVA rays pose a threat to skiers, snowboarders, experts sayContinue Reading
Obese offspring upped odds of dying of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, study foundContinue Reading
Disease plays havoc with DNA sequence, study findsContinue Reading
Figitumumab fights tumors and appears to be well-tolerated, researchers sayContinue Reading
Biological factors that lead to one seem to protect against the other, expert saysContinue Reading
Scientists discover the duo turns on hundreds of other genes that help disease spreadContinue Reading
Skin cancer diagnosis occurs later in nonwhites, study findsContinue Reading
People who used affected Chinese products should be monitored, study suggestsContinue Reading
Though it helps ID early breast cancer, 42 percent in study declined free testContinue Reading
His personal habits more naughty than nice, public health expert saysContinue Reading
Lab study finds that glycosides kill cancer cellsContinue Reading
Being ‘at peace with God’ affects medical choices, study findsContinue Reading
Deaths also at all-time low, government report showsContinue Reading
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