States Now Fund Most Embryonic Stem Cell Research in U.S.
Study finds federal government still contributes more overall on other types of stem cell researchContinue Reading
Study finds federal government still contributes more overall on other types of stem cell researchContinue Reading
Small Chinese study found it worked better than an eye patch in older kids with conditionContinue Reading
With so many trying homeopathy, supplements as last resort, researchers urge doctors to offer guidanceContinue Reading
Feat may further understanding of bowel-related diseasesContinue Reading
Technique let researchers ‘cure’ diabetes in mice for a week, but effects in humans uncertainContinue Reading
Doesn’t eliminate feeling, but reduces thoughts about painContinue Reading
But one of 10 boys developed leukemia, possibly from treatment, researchers sayContinue Reading
Researchers say it affects perception and processing of discomfortContinue Reading
Impact on people is unclear at this early stage of research, study author saysContinue Reading
While results are ‘promising,’ the research is in its early stages, expert saysContinue Reading
Research was preliminary and the sample size small, experts noteContinue Reading
These products claim to lower cholesterol, but levels of active agent run the gamutContinue Reading
Adequate levels of a certain brain protein may aid prevention, treatment, researchers suggestContinue Reading
Study finds mindfulness training is helpful in easing depression, anxietyContinue Reading
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