More Kids Hospitalized for Flu, Skin Infections
Children accounted for 17 percent of all U.S. hospital stays in 2009Continue Reading
Children accounted for 17 percent of all U.S. hospital stays in 2009Continue Reading
In heavier drinkers especially, a nightcap may lead to insomnia, researchers sayContinue Reading
People who use a continuous positive airway pressure machine need to use them consistentlyContinue Reading
Odds of cognitive impairment 85 percent higher, study findsContinue Reading
Strong evidence supports use of machine that pumps air through mask worn during sleep: reviewContinue Reading
Don’t try to change your schedule overnight, expert suggestsContinue Reading
Practice made no difference in later tests for learning, behavioral issuesContinue Reading
More research needed to determine why the genetic variants might lead to symptomsContinue Reading
People who power nap perform much better, sleep experts sayContinue Reading
Here’s how it affects your healthContinue Reading
Treating breathing disorder may help avoid heart conditions, researchers sayContinue Reading
Fatigue may have played a role in some airline crashes, researchers warnContinue Reading
Longer service duration raises risk that children will develop stress, behavioral problems, anxietyContinue Reading
Catching 10 hours of sleep each night had on-court advantages, study findsContinue Reading
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