More Screenings May Explain Higher Chlamydia Rates Among Minorities
Researcher urges doctors to screen all sexually active young womenContinue Reading
Researcher urges doctors to screen all sexually active young womenContinue Reading
Changes in sexual activity linked to increased HPV-related tongue, tonsil malignanciesContinue Reading
Taking vows, having kids doesn’t seem to make a difference, findings showContinue Reading
For men, other childhood stressors increase risk even more, study findsContinue Reading
Details on gene-delivering ‘capsid’ could point the way to new drugsContinue Reading
AIDS drugs may boost susceptibility, study suggestsContinue Reading
In study, getting drunk to cope with negative feelings was tied to certain DNAContinue Reading
Biology drives people to find others with similar or complementary traitsContinue Reading
Imaging finds brains of longtime passionate couples light up just like newly in-love pairsContinue Reading
Income, gender and race still influence health status, CDC data findsContinue Reading
Similar speaking styles spark romance, research findsContinue Reading
Although not perfect, the shot will protect many older folks, researchers sayContinue Reading
But many feel peers, media have greater influence, survey findsContinue Reading
Procedure in males offered partial protection from STD among female partners in UgandaContinue Reading
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