Drinking While Pregnant Tied to Rare Leukemia in Offspring
There’s no safe amount of alcohol for women during this time, experts sayContinue Reading
There’s no safe amount of alcohol for women during this time, experts sayContinue Reading
Suggestions to help soothe symptomsContinue Reading
Specific hormonal pattern tied to later psychological problems, researchers sayContinue Reading
Twins study found bigger newborn more likely to misbehave at ages 3 and 4Continue Reading
Boys, girls adjust their growth patterns in distinctive ways, study findsContinue Reading
Agency also cited maker Johnson & Johnson for ‘numerous deficiencies’ at plantContinue Reading
More than one-third of U.S. parents surveyed had delayed or refused early childhood immunizationsContinue Reading
Recession-related worries about family size partly responsible for trend, study findsContinue Reading
Help make outdoor play safeContinue Reading
Study found the more cigarettes a woman smoked, the greater the chancesContinue Reading
Rate in Mississippi is double that of children in Oregon, CDC study findsContinue Reading
Fetal and early childhood environment helps shape later outcomes, studies showContinue Reading
Knowing your children’s friends and good communication are key, study findsContinue Reading
Even well-educated parents need more help with lifesaving drug regimens, study findsContinue Reading
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