For Safe Sledding, Follow These Tips
Helmets can help prevent serious head injuries, experts sayContinue Reading
Helmets can help prevent serious head injuries, experts sayContinue Reading
What you need for the trip from the hospitalContinue Reading
Sleeping with or being licked by dogs or cats can be conduit for disease, experts warnContinue Reading
For men, other childhood stressors increase risk even more, study findsContinue Reading
18% don’t trust measles-mumps-rubella shot, and 30% are undecided, Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll findsContinue Reading
In study, getting drunk to cope with negative feelings was tied to certain DNAContinue Reading
Study finds disparities between rich, poor show up by age 2Continue Reading
The more advertisements they saw, the more likely they were to smoke, researchers sayContinue Reading
Impulsive or socially inept children more likely to get hooked, study suggestsContinue Reading
‘Pro-social’ crowd does better, especially when avoiding troublemakers, findings showContinue Reading
How a meal plan may helpContinue Reading
Border collie learned names of more than 1,000 objects, researchers sayContinue Reading
They have the same neural machinery for understanding language, researchers sayContinue Reading
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