Severe Bacterial Strain Found in Cystic Fibrosis Patients in Canada
Germ ups odds of lung transplant, even death, and was first spotted in Britain, researchers sayContinue Reading
Germ ups odds of lung transplant, even death, and was first spotted in Britain, researchers sayContinue Reading
Patients who receive organ from a white donor at higher risk, researchers findContinue Reading
Next step is to assess organ’s function after transplant into animalsContinue Reading
But odds are still low, researchers sayContinue Reading
However, as diabetes has surged actual number of cases rose, review of U.S. data foundContinue Reading
Among people with chronic hepatitis BContinue Reading
Checking blood proteins that increase during acute rejection a noninvasive way to protect organs, study showsContinue Reading
Negative traits including pessimism, social inhibition appear to threaten long-term health, study findsContinue Reading
They improved vision without side effects, small study foundContinue Reading
Those who had procedure for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy did better long-term, study findsContinue Reading
Finding could mean more organs would be available for those who need themContinue Reading
Caregiving by those with emotional connection lessens anxiety, depression after surgery, study foundContinue Reading
Study shows promise, but experts say questions remain, including issues of viral resistanceContinue Reading
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