New U.S. Dietary Guidelines Focus on Salt Reduction
Slashing sodium intake, switching to healthier fats key features of advisoryContinue Reading
Slashing sodium intake, switching to healthier fats key features of advisoryContinue Reading
Eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy offers protection, study suggestsContinue Reading
Younger children report feeling more confident because of greater supervision, small study findsContinue Reading
Many restaurants have them, but experts say they promote bad eating habitsContinue Reading
U.S. preschoolers able to recognize fast-food, cola brand images, study foundContinue Reading
Young children of parents who took classes in nutrition, exercise kept weight off for 2 yearsContinue Reading
And avoid complications of malnourishmentContinue Reading
Extra servings linked to greater reductions in risk, study suggestsContinue Reading
Large morning meal doesn’t deter people from chowing down later, researchers sayContinue Reading
Less salt and fat, more fruits and veggies on the menu, USDA proposesContinue Reading
Study found those who consumed the most showed more signs of pending cardiovascular troubleContinue Reading
Omega-3 fatty acid supplements seem to boost heart function, study findsContinue Reading
Measure gives FDA new powers to protect publicContinue Reading
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