1 in 4 U.S. Teen Girls Involved in Violent Behavior
6 percent say they intended to cause harm, survey findsContinue Reading
6 percent say they intended to cause harm, survey findsContinue Reading
Findings suggest humans are cause for antibiotic resistance in animalsContinue Reading
Spouses show higher rates of depression, anxiety, sleep disordersContinue Reading
Decreased use of dopamine agonists can lead to difficult symptoms in patients, study findsContinue Reading
Study found those who had migraines more likely to suffer depressionContinue Reading
Deficits in functioning persist for those who frequently get too little shut-eye, study findsContinue Reading
Level of ‘autoreceptors’ is the key, say researchers working with miceContinue Reading
But study doesn’t establish cause-and-effectContinue Reading
Medications’ role against angiotensin appears to be key, study findsContinue Reading
Finding calls for gender-specific treatments for some diseases, researchers sayContinue Reading
Carrying two ‘good’ copies slows age-linked mental decline by half, study foundContinue Reading
Frank conversations about hospice and preferred place of death are often needed, experts sayContinue Reading
Off-label use to control behavior seems to be part of the ‘culture’ at some centers, one study findsContinue Reading
Amounts deemed safe are still too high, researchers sayContinue Reading
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