Loving Foster Homes Improve Kids' Attention, Impulsivity
A stable environment also helps behavior, researchers findContinue Reading
A stable environment also helps behavior, researchers findContinue Reading
Memory, creativity, intellectual performance seem to get a boost from sleepContinue Reading
Certain emotional expressions, like amusement, are universal, study findsContinue Reading
Employers urged to do more to remove barriers to treatmentContinue Reading
Women quicker to gather opinions from others, survey findsContinue Reading
And far more likely to strike whites than blacks, researchers findContinue Reading
Scientists zero in on why listening to music seems so beneficialContinue Reading
Ruling by U.S. should address long-standing inequity, officials sayContinue Reading
Resting after learning helps to cement new information, researchers sayContinue Reading
Research may advance development of facial recognition systems, study authors suggestContinue Reading
Technique tricks soldiers’ brains into believing their limbs are intact, researchers sayContinue Reading
Past relationships may play a role in what triggers jealousy in men and women, study findsContinue Reading
Radiation to head for brain and other cancers linked to educational deficits, study findsContinue Reading
Posture seems to reflect thoughts of past or future, study findsContinue Reading
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