Bullies Target Obese Kids
Being overweight is prime factor regardless of race, family income, study findsContinue Reading
Being overweight is prime factor regardless of race, family income, study findsContinue Reading
Extra support is needed when children don’t live with a parent, expert saysContinue Reading
Changes in speech occur before other symptoms, could help speed diagnosis, findings showContinue Reading
Lack of empathy similar to those in people with frontal lobe damage, researchers findContinue Reading
Similar health habits may be to blame, study findsContinue Reading
Military doctors report success with 2 men who had not been helped with drug treatmentContinue Reading
But even with overall lower mortality, some nations have lost ground, report showsContinue Reading
With near-identical DNA, why does one twin get the illness while the other does not?Continue Reading
Both male and female hormones play role in making men masculine, research showsContinue Reading
But report finds 175 million people still exposed to dangerous levels of smog and sootContinue Reading
Avoid other problematic plants, tooContinue Reading
People who scored highest in adherence to diet least likely to suffer mental decline, study findsContinue Reading
Consumption rises alongside levels of depression, study findsContinue Reading
Finding could help the elderly or sick who lose interest in food, researchers sayContinue Reading
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