Heat Therapy Helps Treat U.S. Soldiers' Infections
Device works on skin lesions caused by parasite in Iraq, Afghanistan, study findsContinue Reading
Device works on skin lesions caused by parasite in Iraq, Afghanistan, study findsContinue Reading
Ivermectin may offer alternative for hard-to-treat infestations, study showsContinue Reading
Programs seem to be making progress against these viruses, research suggestsContinue Reading
Data from Texas households confirm that the virus tends to target childrenContinue Reading
Inoculating children can prevent influenza from spreading, experts sayContinue Reading
Researchers urge hospitals to vaccinate all childrenContinue Reading
Another secret stash of the virus makes it that much harder to eliminate, scientists sayContinue Reading
Study uncovers new form of infectious brain illnessContinue Reading
Here are suggestions for easing the stuffinessContinue Reading
Report urges Congress to pass vigorous food-safety legislationContinue Reading
Several studies now cast doubt on link found in U.S. patientsContinue Reading
The recommendation will take effect for the next influenza seasonContinue Reading
Natural defense against the disease could be more common than thought, experts sayContinue Reading
Study attempts to settle ongoing debateContinue Reading
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