Migraine With Aura Linked to Small Rise in Heart, Stroke Risks
Experts say individual risk is low, more research is neededContinue Reading
Experts say individual risk is low, more research is neededContinue Reading
Study suggests quitting smoking, exercising, losing weight can cut their frequencyContinue Reading
What to do as soon as symptoms startContinue Reading
Many onlookers downplay the pain of those battling recurrent headaches, researchers sayContinue Reading
Mistreatment, neglect in childhood increased chances of cardiovascular disease, researchers sayContinue Reading
Too little exercise also implicated in studyContinue Reading
And an old standby might help prevent headache from starting up, report findsContinue Reading
Avoiding things like computer screens might help, researcher saysContinue Reading
They are twice as likely to resort to ERs for help rather than a doctor’s office, study findsContinue Reading
But overall odds are still low and headache sufferers shouldn’t worry, researcher saysContinue Reading
Small study shows patients with ocular type benefit from treatmentContinue Reading
Researchers aren’t sure why two conditions are connectedContinue Reading
Study found those who had migraines more likely to suffer depressionContinue Reading
Stress of mistreatment or neglect affects the brain, experts sayContinue Reading
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