Genetic Tests May Help Track Unknown Criminals by Hair Color
DNA from blood, sperm or saliva is 80% to 90% accurate, study showsContinue Reading
DNA from blood, sperm or saliva is 80% to 90% accurate, study showsContinue Reading
People may substitute one addiction for another to satisfy brain’s reward center, findings suggestContinue Reading
Discovery may lead to better treatment options for chronic granulomatous diseaseContinue Reading
Whites with gene variant more susceptible to drug abuse, but further research needed, study findsContinue Reading
The genes weren’t suspected of playing role in heart’s electrical activityContinue Reading
Finding may one day help with targeted therapies for glioblastoma, researchers sayContinue Reading
Findings may one day aid patients with cancer subtype now marked by a low survival rate, study suggestsContinue Reading
Highly active genes in leukemic stem cells linked to poor response to therapy, raised risk of deathContinue Reading
Your doctor can use your detailed notes to see whether you need certain evaluationsContinue Reading
Two young football players have died this year from condition known as exertional sicklingContinue Reading
Research may also help explain why chimpanzees don’t routinely develop AIDS after HIV exposureContinue Reading
Discovery of differences between pediatric, adult cancers may spur new treatments, scientists sayContinue Reading
More than 2,000 ‘enhancers’ uncovered that activate at specific timesContinue Reading
Identification of two ‘biomarkers’ may also help improve treatment of non-small cell lung cancerContinue Reading
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