Muscle Tone May Play a Role in GERD
If proven true, theory may someday lead to new treatments, researcher saysContinue Reading
If proven true, theory may someday lead to new treatments, researcher saysContinue Reading
Lower rates of complications, death in elderly who don’t delay surgery, research showsContinue Reading
Label change to Nexium, Prilosec,other medications should spur patient-doctor discussions, agency saysContinue Reading
Sufferers often isolate themselves, consider suicide, study findsContinue Reading
But improvement in symptoms fades after six months, researchers findContinue Reading
A list of common risk factorsContinue Reading
But side effects differ, researchers findContinue Reading
Long-term outcomes almost same as conventional surgery, study findsContinue Reading
Researchers found it didn’t change behavior, sleep or digestionContinue Reading
But study found no link between cesarean births, other inflammatory bowel conditionsContinue Reading
Rarely, they can lead to side effectsContinue Reading
Contaminant found in March no health risk, agency saysContinue Reading
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