Smart Soccer Goalies Should Wear Red
Study found penalty kicks were missed more often when that color was wornContinue Reading
Study found penalty kicks were missed more often when that color was wornContinue Reading
Men cite faster times as the goal, while females hope to ‘feel good,’ study foundContinue Reading
Fat between waist and hip in thin, athletic mastectomy patients works, study suggestsContinue Reading
Finding may offer new ways to predict odds for the disease, researchers sayContinue Reading
Grown-ups need to stop restricting kids’ activity, researcher saysContinue Reading
Federal reports also say health care providers can do more to help obese patientsContinue Reading
Here are suggested componentsContinue Reading
New campaign highlights need for education and preventionContinue Reading
Stay safe while working in the yardContinue Reading
Women who walked for 2 or more hours per week cut risk by 30%, study foundContinue Reading
DNA does not make overweight inevitable, new study showsContinue Reading
May lower baby’s risk of obesity later in life, research suggestsContinue Reading
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