Biosynthetic Corneas Show Promise in Transplants
They improved vision without side effects, small study foundContinue Reading
They improved vision without side effects, small study foundContinue Reading
UV rays threaten the eyes as much as the skin, experts warnContinue Reading
For Maryland woman, removing growth brought eyes back to normalContinue Reading
Study suggests children over 6 with misaligned eye may be at social disadvantageContinue Reading
But simple steps can help prevent retinopathy, experts sayContinue Reading
Treatment most likely to help young patients with advanced damage, researchers sayContinue Reading
But don’t gain weight to protect your eyes, experts sayContinue Reading
African study in sight- and hearing-impaired people suggests it might, even if through placebo effectContinue Reading
In finding that points to genetic influences, family members were more likely to have these differencesContinue Reading
Description of factors linked to severe myopia could lead to improved treatments, researchers sayContinue Reading
If healthy lifestyle doesn’t prevent the condition, surgery is 95 percent successful, eye doctors sayContinue Reading
Contact lenses, IV tubes lead list of items causing trips to the ER, study showsContinue Reading
Their retinas respond less to black-and-white contrasts, scans foundContinue Reading
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