Study Finds Botox Alternative Better at Smoothing 'Crow's Feet'
Difference seen only when patients contracted facial muscles, researchers notedContinue Reading
Difference seen only when patients contracted facial muscles, researchers notedContinue Reading
After screening out other problems, older people had no increase in complications, study findsContinue Reading
Many of the nearly 5 million bites a year in U.S. are preventable, experts sayContinue Reading
Screening for disorder urged for patients with implantable defibrillatorsContinue Reading
One-third report problems such as headaches and irritation of the nose, throat, skin, study findsContinue Reading
It found higher rate of false negatives, cancer that had spread to lymph nodes among women with implantsContinue Reading
RAND researchers don’t find cause and effect, howeverContinue Reading
Experimental technology uses cold, not neurotoxin, researchers sayContinue Reading
Report finds increase in range of cosmetic procedures among American malesContinue Reading
But it should be used only as a ‘last resort,’ expert cautionsContinue Reading
Because of size and potential growth pattern, some may need dermatologist’s assessmentContinue Reading
Facelifts alone jumped by 9% in 2010, plastic surgeons’ groups saysContinue Reading
Risk to any one patient is small, but women and their doctors should be made aware, agency saysContinue Reading
Wrinkles, sagging skin not the only signs of agingContinue Reading
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