Youngest Preemies' Survival Rate Unchanged
Babies born at 22, 23 weeks living only days longer despite treatment advances, study findsContinue Reading
Babies born at 22, 23 weeks living only days longer despite treatment advances, study findsContinue Reading
New measures needed to prevent and treat RSV worldwide, researchers sayContinue Reading
Don’t let your relationship sufferContinue Reading
‘Implicit associations’ might help mental health workers gauge patient’s state of mind, researchers sayContinue Reading
Nearly 80% of fatalities are in 21 countries, study findsContinue Reading
Radiation therapy designed to ease pain can go on too long and be ineffective, study findsContinue Reading
Life expectancy is reduced by 10 years on average, study findsContinue Reading
Though uncomfortable for some, conversations should be ongoing, tooContinue Reading
Nearly one-third of those dying needed someone else to make decisions, research findsContinue Reading
In British study, anxieties over dying rose among older people cared for in minority householdsContinue Reading
Study found they were 50% more likely to die in month following operationContinue Reading
New activity reported in southeastern U.S.; health officials still urge vaccinationsContinue Reading
Release of relaxation hormones has positive effects, researchers sayContinue Reading
Folks with widest grins in photos outlived others, suggesting happiness extends lifeContinue Reading
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