Study Finds Two Drugs Aren’t Better Than One for Kidney Disease
Combo used in patients with diabetes led to more kidney problems, damageContinue Reading
Combo used in patients with diabetes led to more kidney problems, damageContinue Reading
People on ACE inhibitors can experience oral allergy syndrome, a rare reaction to some fruits, vegetablesContinue Reading
Small study showed reductions in blood pressure, less fluid retentionContinue Reading
Study saw higher rates of C-sections, smaller babiesContinue Reading
Preventive measures urgently needed to reverse this trend, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study of patients in their 80s looked at plaque deposits in their brainsContinue Reading
Despite calls for routine testing, task force finds lack of evidence it would helpContinue Reading
Study found that leisure-time activity was more beneficial than activity at workContinue Reading
Trial under way on patients with pancreatic cancerContinue Reading
Study findings may lead to discovery of useful targets for new treatments, researcher saysContinue Reading
Overweight children may significantly increase their risk for high blood pressure in adulthood.Continue Reading
Overweight children may significantly increase their risk for high blood pressure in adulthood.Continue Reading
Even being overweight when young was found to double high blood pressure risk in long-term studyContinue Reading
Global study found problem in wealthy and low-income countries alikeContinue Reading
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