Pent-Up Stress Could Harm Health of Middle-Aged Women
Swedish study followed women since late 1960sContinue Reading
Swedish study followed women since late 1960sContinue Reading
Whether the new approach would work in humans is unknown, experts sayContinue Reading
Study found coaxing cells in the nose to make super antibodies protected mice and ferrets from pandemic strainsContinue Reading
Power of suggestion, ‘nocebo’ effect can make you feel sick, study suggestsContinue Reading
Coenzyme Q10 appeared to reduce death rates, hospitalizations in studyContinue Reading
Higher blood levels of a beneficial hormone seen in those who took the omega-3 supplementsContinue Reading
Those who heard well-loved tunes in study needed less sedation medicineContinue Reading
Breakthrough bypasses need to use cells from fertilized embryosContinue Reading
Numbers were lowered when people engaged in a few sessions per weekContinue Reading
Researching the process in animals may one day help people replace missing teethContinue Reading
Review shows participation in dance, music, art or writing can soothe anxiety, depression and painContinue Reading
Study found readmissions for fever, infections and gastro problemsContinue Reading
Report suggests some approaches might work alongside — not instead of — traditional therapyContinue Reading
But experts caution that larger studies of combined treatment are neededContinue Reading
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