(HealthDay News) — Some fats are an essential part of a balanced diet, but there are “good” fats and “bad” fats.
The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests how to manage your consumption of fat:
- Avoid fast foods that contain unhealthy trans fats.
- Don’t eat too much red meat. Instead, opt for leaner sources of protein such as fish, poultry and vegetables.
- Bake with canola oil, and cook and season with olive oil. Use olive oil to top a salad or in place of butter on bread.
- Avoid too many potato chips in favor of soy or peanuts without salt.
- Top a salad with avocado, nuts or garbanzo beans.
- In place of butter, opt for margarine that’s liquid or in a soft tub container. Choose margarine that is low in saturated fat and doesn’t contain trans fat.