New Moms' Brains May Grow After Childbirth
Effect was greatest in those most enthusiastic about their babies, researchers sayContinue Reading
Effect was greatest in those most enthusiastic about their babies, researchers sayContinue Reading
Men less likely to survive serious injuries because of different hormones, study findsContinue Reading
When 2mm margin of healthy tissue taken, no residual disease found in 98 percent of patientsContinue Reading
Notion that health ‘is in God’s hands’ could help explain low screening rates, study suggestsContinue Reading
It’s unclear whether macular damage will progress to blindness, researchers sayContinue Reading
Even borderline levels of the hormone seem to put men at risk, researchers sayContinue Reading
Latest analysis finds combo of estrogen/progestin upped chances of more deadly breast cancerContinue Reading
Those with very good bone density at age 67 can wait 10 years to test again, study suggestsContinue Reading
But benefit was only seen in postmenopausal women and the trial was smallContinue Reading
Stooped back, loss of height and sudden back pain are all signals, experts warnContinue Reading
Experts say earlier screening still a good idea despite debate about doing them laterContinue Reading
Current treatment may cause drug resistance laterContinue Reading
Agency to change warning label, issue medication guide for all bisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosisContinue Reading
Study of nearly 1.3 million students finds no difference in abilitiesContinue Reading
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