Breast Cancer Radiation Before 1984 Tied to Heart Disease
Survivors who had radiotherapy decades ago have raised risk of death from heart disease, study findsContinue Reading
Survivors who had radiotherapy decades ago have raised risk of death from heart disease, study findsContinue Reading
Notions of tough, tender may have some bodily truth, researchers sayContinue Reading
Meanwhile, harassment of abortion providers on the increaseContinue Reading
Binge, purge behavior found in more Native American women than men, researchers sayContinue Reading
They did better on horizontal jump, ‘explosive strength’ tests, study findsContinue Reading
Advanced cases require $8,000 hospitalization on average, study findsContinue Reading
Study finds they dampen sexual desire, lower testosterone levelsContinue Reading
Iniparib shrank tumors and prolonged survival time in women with triple-negative breast cancerContinue Reading
Women more likely than men to have a gene variation linked to the disease, researchers sayContinue Reading
Finding comes from study on the hormone’s effect on cancerous and pre-cancerous cellsContinue Reading
Depression may hinder disease management, researchers sayContinue Reading
Women’s glucose levels increased with use of injectable DMPA, but not enough to cause concern, research suggestsContinue Reading
Sometimes there can be complicationsContinue Reading
Procedure using 1 embryo was 5 times more likely to result in birth of a healthy babyContinue Reading
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