TUESDAY, April 11, 2023 (HealthDay News) – The national and public health emergencies for COVID-19 officially ended Monday after President Joe Biden signed a Republican-backed bill to end the emergency a month earlier than planned. The White House had earlier said the legislation would “create wide-ranging chaos and uncertainty throughoutContinue Reading

Move to ‘green’ school buses could boost kids’ class attendance. Outdated buses actually wind up costing kids many days of education, thanks to the clouds of diesel exhaust left in their wake, a new study argues. Read more 1 in 5 American adults say they’ve had a relative killed withContinue Reading

Dirty air could raise your odds for dementia. A review of prior research found consistent evidence of a link between fine particle pollution and neurological decline. Read more COVID in pregnancy can harm the fetal brain. Two babies exposed to COVID in the womb suffered brain damage even though theyContinue Reading

‘Morning after’ antibiotics might prevent common STDs. Taking a common antibiotic within 72 hours of unprotected sex cut the chances of a sexually transmitted bacterial infection in high-risk groups, researchers found. Read more Immune system may hold key to living to 100. Researchers noted key genetic differences in immune cellsContinue Reading

Hidden heart disease can still raise your odds for heart attack 8-fold. In a finding that demonstrates how stealthy heart disease can be, new research shows folks with subclinical disease were vulnerable to a “surprise” heart attack. Read more Could body odor therapy ease anxiety? Social anxiety limits millions fromContinue Reading

COVID in pregnancy might raise odds for neurodevelopmental issues in sons. Boys whose mothers had COVID-19 during pregnancy may be slower to reach early developmental milestones than other babies. Read more Sleep apnea in childhood could affect developing brain. Brain scans found that adolescents with apnea had signs of inflammationContinue Reading

Coffee won’t affect your heart rhythms. A study pitting days of coffee drinking against days of abstaining found no significant difference in the number of premature atrial contractions — when the heart seems to “skip a beat.” Read more Living near noisy roads can raise your blood pressure. Experts sayContinue Reading

Birth control pills tied to slight rise in breast cancer risk, regardless of formulation. A new study finds the single hormone pill and combination estrogen-progestogen pills confer a similar degree of heightened risk for breast cancer. Read more When BMI isn’t used as measurement, obesity’s health ‘benefit’ disappears. A newContinue Reading

Dangerous drug-resistant fungal infections spreading in U.S. The percentage of dangerous infections caused by C. auris has increased every year, and nearly doubled in 2021, researchers report. Read more Good news or bad, patients want access to medical test results. By law, U.S. patients must have access to medical testContinue Reading

Bile duct cancers: Funding, research needed to fight this silent killer. As too many American families have discovered, this tumor is typically only discovered once the cancer is in an advanced, incurable stage. Anywhere from 8,000 to 20,000 such cases occur in the United States each year. Read more DrugContinue Reading