Higher Legal Drinking Age May Mean Safer Lives for Women
Study found lower suicide, homicide risk when drinking age was 21Continue Reading
Study found lower suicide, homicide risk when drinking age was 21Continue Reading
Primary care providers failed to note some suspicious injuries, study foundContinue Reading
Military kids at greater risk of fighting, carrying weapons and joining gangs, study findsContinue Reading
But association could be due to poor parenting, researchers noteContinue Reading
But study doesn’t confirm 4-letter words in media cause kids to cussContinue Reading
ERs treat 20,600 children on average for gunshot wounds a yearContinue Reading
Racial disparities seen in death rates for trauma center patients with gun, knife, blunt injuriesContinue Reading
They are four times more likely to experience sexual violence, study saysContinue Reading
Most child abuse homicide suspects are white dads, researchers sayContinue Reading
Women less likely to shoot themselves in face or head, researchers findContinue Reading
Even with higher number of outlets selling alcohol, assaults were less common, study foundContinue Reading
Mindset spurs risky behaviors and is most prevalent in U.S. South and West, study showsContinue Reading
They’re six times more likely than other students to attempt it, study showsContinue Reading
Kids living with adversity, such as abuse, more likely to have chronic diseases later, study findsContinue Reading
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