What Makes an Aggressive Dog, and How You Can Spot One
Study suggests it’s not so much the breed as the gender, training, origin and owner’s ageContinue Reading
Study suggests it’s not so much the breed as the gender, training, origin and owner’s ageContinue Reading
Nearly one-third are victimized, while only a quarter have committed acts of violence, researchers reportContinue Reading
Cause of traumatic injuries not necessarily related to likelihood of survival, surgeon saysContinue Reading
Request for condom can often be met with violent reaction, study saysContinue Reading
Nearly a third of these shootings are accidental, study findsContinue Reading
Firearms in the home can lead to rash decisions with fatal outcomes, study author saysContinue Reading
Added safety measures appear necessary to protect hockey players’ healthContinue Reading
Study finds link between levels of inflammation and explosive disorderContinue Reading
Researchers look at gender-based violence in 24 countriesContinue Reading
Many factors converge over time before someone commits such a crime, experts sayContinue Reading
But it’s not clear what this means for young viewersContinue Reading
Health professionals should expect mental health repercussions after major terrorist attacksContinue Reading
But experts say research can’t link exposure to real-life crime among kidsContinue Reading
Although no direct link was found, researchers suggest screening children for risk factorsContinue Reading
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