Teen Smoking Down, E-Cigarette Use Up
CDC survey finds adolescents hear some health messages, but not allContinue Reading
CDC survey finds adolescents hear some health messages, but not allContinue Reading
Review of Florida patients finds 2 of 3 violent crime arrests, 1 in 3 suicides shouldn’t have included firearmsContinue Reading
Study sees ‘potential to perform just as well as their peers’Continue Reading
But only association was found, not cause-and-effectContinue Reading
But only association was found, not cause-and-effectContinue Reading
And two-thirds say they experience gender bias in workplaceContinue Reading
Local lawmakers should carefully weigh number of liquor licenses, researcher saysContinue Reading
Greater risk for aggressive behavior when both cyberbullying and in-person taunting took place, study foundContinue Reading
And mental health problems, such as suicidal thoughts, seemed to worsen after they joinedContinue Reading
And mental health problems, such as suicidal thoughts, seemed to worsen after they joinedContinue Reading
Income difference works out to more than $8,000 annually, study findsContinue Reading
Biggest declines seen for Hispanics and blacks, researchers sayContinue Reading
The resulting stress is tied to health problems, researchers addContinue Reading
Adding streetlights, maintaining vacant lots could make a difference, researchers suggestContinue Reading
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