North American Shark Attacks Hit Decade High
Expert says figures in line with human population rise, not cause for alarmContinue Reading
Expert says figures in line with human population rise, not cause for alarmContinue Reading
Nits and lice usually found in the hair behind the ears and the nape of the neck, dermatologist saysContinue Reading
Antidepressants linked to improved immune response in older patients, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study of experimental drug tedizolid also found fewer daily doses neededContinue Reading
For example, bathing every other day is sufficient, expert saysContinue Reading
FDA says removal of inked body art is painstaking process, and results will varyContinue Reading
Medical expert offers tips on spotting infestation in your homeContinue Reading
Women estimated to have more exposure to UV-B rays had decreased risk, researchers sayContinue Reading
This could be due to UV ray exposure, study author saysContinue Reading
Large study found higher rates of squamous cell, basal cell carcinomasContinue Reading
How to avoid skin irritation, acne aggravationContinue Reading
If kids aren’t well enough to learn, it’s best to keep them homeContinue Reading
Orthopedic surgeons offer tips for cold-weather workoutsContinue Reading
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