Skin Care Tips for Psoriasis Patients
Expert suggests ways to ease itching and other discomfortsContinue Reading
Expert suggests ways to ease itching and other discomfortsContinue Reading
All three conditions on the rise, but it’s unclear whether ADHD risk is affected by othersContinue Reading
Despite hype, treatment doesn’t help for cancer or many other ills, and can have serious side effectsContinue Reading
Messages about skin cancer don’t seem to outweigh the desire for a ‘healthy glow’Continue Reading
Ongoing studies suggest ticks infect 300,000 people each yearContinue Reading
Seasonal pitfalls include poison ivy, worsening eczema and hives, expert warnsContinue Reading
More than half surveyed said they are dissatisfied with the level of careContinue Reading
Present in more than half of states, the bloodthirsty parasite transmits a host of virusesContinue Reading
Sun exposure and use of tanning booths increase your chances
Continue Reading
As skin disorder worsened, likelihood of multiple diseases rose, researchers foundContinue Reading
New guidelines released to help doctors treat younger patients age-appropriatelyContinue Reading
Finding could lead to better sunblock products, researchers sayContinue Reading
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