Skin Cancer Foes Declare May 27 'Don't Fry Day'
One American dies from the disease every hour, experts warnContinue Reading
One American dies from the disease every hour, experts warnContinue Reading
Many of the nearly 5 million bites a year in U.S. are preventable, experts sayContinue Reading
For starters, store cleaning products out of reachContinue Reading
And heart disease risk in those with skin disease may start with high cholesterol in childhoodContinue Reading
Hypertension tends to be more severe in people with the skin condition, study findsContinue Reading
Non-dermatologists often miss the real culprit, researchers sayContinue Reading
But the sensation is so real that ‘lives are ruined,’ researcher saysContinue Reading
Antioxidant in flakes of human skin helps lower ozone levels, researchers sayContinue Reading
39% of 14- to 17-year-olds incorrectly believe indoor tanning is safer than the sun, survey foundContinue Reading
One-third report problems such as headaches and irritation of the nose, throat, skin, study findsContinue Reading
Majority of young women admit to using tanning beds, basking in the sunContinue Reading
And help protect your skin from burnContinue Reading
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