1 in 4 HIV Patients Have Neurological Diseases: Study
Problems such as seizures, dementia are major causes of patients’ disability, researchers sayContinue Reading
Problems such as seizures, dementia are major causes of patients’ disability, researchers sayContinue Reading
Responses also suggest teens more careful about sex than many adults believeContinue Reading
Social rejection causes the heart rate to slow down temporarily, researchers findContinue Reading
Findings add to previous research, but experts still can’t explain linkContinue Reading
Mutation could affect 4 percent of infertile men, experts sayContinue Reading
Study finds quick survey of those closest to the person more accurate than doctor’s screeningContinue Reading
Fewer deaths from major killers like breast cancer, but little progress on debilitating diseases like dementiaContinue Reading
Two years after diagnosis, 70 percent of women report decreased desire, less lovemakingContinue Reading
But strategies needed to keep women enrolled in research studies, study authors stressedContinue Reading
Expert urges society to support families in allowing children to be themselvesContinue Reading
Researchers were surprised at how strong the effect wasContinue Reading
Method might pave way for HIV-positive men to donate sperm safely, researchers sayContinue Reading
Young women twice as likely to use contraception if their mate strongly favors its use, study findsContinue Reading
Immunity to childhood diseases can wane more quickly than in children without the virus, researchers sayContinue Reading
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