Big Jump in Doctor’s Office Visits for Young Adults With Diabetes
Overall, 1 in 10 consultations in the U.S. now involves a person with the illness, CDC saysContinue Reading
Overall, 1 in 10 consultations in the U.S. now involves a person with the illness, CDC saysContinue Reading
Heat contributes to nearly one-third of those deaths, report finds
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Study shows a benefit, but that tapers off after 5 servings per dayContinue Reading
Pay attention to your lifestyle during stressful times, researcher saysContinue Reading
Just 5 to 10 minutes a day seems to bring benefits, study saysContinue Reading
Preventing older people from developing additional illnesses may boost life expectancy, researcher saysContinue Reading
Lifestyle choices influence long-term outcomes, researcher saysContinue Reading
Seniors scored worse on tests than young adults, study saysContinue Reading
Researchers suggest women skip caffeine if they’re bothered by menopausal symptomsContinue Reading
Cutting uterus into smaller fragments for minimally invasive removal can disperse undetected malignancyContinue Reading
Study suggests sidewalks, curbs may be key to keeping older pedestrians safeContinue Reading
Economy, rewarding work have motivated baby boomer nurses to stay on the job, research suggestsContinue Reading
Abnormal levels of certain protein are more common in affected patients, study reportsContinue Reading
But, rate of brain attacks among those younger than 65 unchangedContinue Reading
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