Hearing Loss Seems to Affect Fewer Blacks Than Whites
Skin pigmentation may protect the inner ear, researcher saysContinue Reading
Skin pigmentation may protect the inner ear, researcher saysContinue Reading
FDA disregards its own mandate for data on women in clinical trials, researchers contendContinue Reading
Medications need to offer considerably more benefit than risk to interest them, study saysContinue Reading
Drug aimed at treating lung disease characterized by chronic bronchitisContinue Reading
But many wonder if political leanings will influence Supreme Court’s ultimate decision, Harris Interactive/HealthDay survey showsContinue Reading
Standardized language on labels could simplify things, researchers sayContinue Reading
But shouldn’t be taken by pregnant womenContinue Reading
More asthma, heat waves and microbial disease could result if greenhouse gases aren’t curbedContinue Reading
First case in lab work in 50 years reported by governmentContinue Reading
Scientists say swift action can contain the problem, limit number of infectionsContinue Reading
But experts don’t yet know if effect is harmfulContinue Reading
In a review of such programs, CDC found a 67% drop among motorists re-arrested for drunk drivingContinue Reading
Levels of BPA higher in Americans; Canadians have declared it a health hazardContinue Reading
Says nation’s vaccine court is designed to handle such claimsContinue Reading
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