Spanish-Speaking Mothers Less Likely to Turn on TV
Kids of English-speaking Hispanic moms spend more time in front of the tube, study findsContinue Reading
Kids of English-speaking Hispanic moms spend more time in front of the tube, study findsContinue Reading
To improve tooth health, target mom, dad and pediatricians, experts sayContinue Reading
Study in mice finds link that may someday improve prevention effortsContinue Reading
Younger teens who took the course were more likely to delay having sexContinue Reading
A stable environment also helps behavior, researchers findContinue Reading
No benefit seen for women with history of early delivery, researchers sayContinue Reading
About 12 percent of U.S. youths report using treatments, study findsContinue Reading
Exposure in womb caused blunted response to needle prick, researchers sayContinue Reading
Yes, according to a new analysis of researchContinue Reading
SSRIs appear to delay lactation in new moms, researchers findContinue Reading
High levels of PBDEs can reduce chance of pregnancy by up to 50%, researchers sayContinue Reading
Experts concerned about possible trend reversalContinue Reading
Researchers say aberrations persisted, could raise risk for heart disease laterContinue Reading
Study found physical violence often accompanied by attempts to get young women pregnantContinue Reading
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